Understanding User Behavior and Needs

  1. Describe your plan for conducting user interviews focused solely on information findability and content organization.
  2. How would you employ analytics to understand user navigation paths and potential bottlenecks?
  3. Create user personas specifically aimed at understanding their needs from an information architecture standpoint.

Content Organization and Hierarchy

  1. Propose a restructured sitemap for your current project that aligns with user expectations.
  2. How can content chunking improve the readability and findability of your site or application?
  3. What would be your strategy for creating an adaptable content hierarchy that can grow with the product?

Navigation and Menu Structures

  1. Sketch wireframes that show improvements to the main navigation menus of a website or application.
  2. How can secondary navigation elements, like breadcrumbs, be optimized for better user flow?
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mega menus in website navigation and propose a suitable alternative.

Search Functionality

  1. Describe your process for optimizing search algorithms to produce the most relevant results.
  2. How would you design an autosuggest feature that is intuitive and improves the search experience?
  3. Should search filters be used and, if so, what are the key filters to include?

Usability Testing

  1. Plan a usability testing session solely focused on information architecture.
  2. Create a heuristic evaluation guide for testing the existing information architecture.
  3. How would you go about A/B testing different menu structures?