Business Context and Objectives

  1. Does the PRD clearly outline the business objectives that the product aims to achieve?
  2. Have you included market research data to justify the need for this product or feature?
  3. Does the PRD specify the target audience or user personas?
  4. Are there Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified that will measure the product's success?
  5. Does the PRD align with the company’s broader strategic goals and timelines?

User Needs and Use Cases

  1. Have you included the primary and secondary user personas who will interact with the product?
  2. Are the user needs and pain points clearly defined based on research?
  3. Does the PRD list the key use cases that the product must support?
  4. Have you considered different user scenarios, including edge cases?
  5. How does the product differentiate from competitor products in meeting user needs?

Functional Requirements

  1. Does the PRD clearly state what the product should do, including all its features and functionalities?
  2. Are requirements broken down into must-haves, nice-to-haves, and future considerations?
  3. Is each feature tied back to a user need, pain point, or business objective?
  4. Are there user stories or flow diagrams to illustrate how the functionalities work?
  5. Do the functional requirements include any data constraints, algorithms, or business logic to be implemented?

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Have you included non-functional requirements like performance, security, and accessibility?