Understanding User Needs

  1. Have you conducted user interviews, surveys, or other forms of research to understand what users expect from the product?
  2. Do the acceptance criteria reflect the user personas you have developed?
  3. Have you considered the user's goals and pain points in formulating the criteria?
  4. Do the criteria consider the user journey and the touchpoints where interaction occurs?
  5. How are you ensuring that the criteria are aligned with the real-world scenarios in which the product will be used?

Business Objectives

  1. How do the User Acceptance Criteria align with the business objectives of the project?
  2. Are there specific KPIs that the criteria aim to impact, such as conversion rates or user engagement?
  3. Have you considered the long-term business strategy in developing the criteria?
  4. Do the criteria address any compliance or regulatory requirements pertinent to the business?
  5. How are the criteria expected to contribute to ROI?

Functionality and Features

  1. Do the criteria clearly outline the functional requirements of the product?
  2. Are the acceptance conditions specified for each feature, including edge cases?
  3. Have you considered different states of the application, such as loading states, error states, and successful completion states?
  4. Do the criteria consider multi-platform functionality if applicable (desktop, mobile, etc.)?
  5. Are integrations with other systems or third-party services included in the criteria?

Clarity and Specificity

  1. Are the criteria written in a clear, concise, and unambiguous language?