Color Scheme

  1. How do the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors work together in the UI?
  2. Does the color scheme comply with accessibility standards like AA or AAA for color contrast?
  3. Have you considered how the color scheme might be perceived by different cultures?
  4. Does the color scheme maintain its effectiveness in grayscale?
  5. Can the user easily switch to a different color scheme, like a dark mode?


  1. Have you chosen a font family that reflects the brand's identity?
  2. Does the type scale provide for an effective information hierarchy?
  3. How are fonts rendered on various devices and screen sizes?
  4. Are special characters and non-Latin alphabets supported in your chosen fonts?
  5. Is the line length comfortable for reading extended text?


  1. Do micro-interactions guide the user in their journey, or do they serve merely as decoration?
  2. Are the animations smooth and do they feel natural?
  3. How do micro-interactions aid in providing user feedback?
  4. Have you considered the speed and duration of these micro-interactions?
  5. Are these micro-interactions accessible to all users, including those with disabilities?

Navigation Flow

  1. Can the user reach key functionalities within 3 clicks or taps?