Objective and Scope

  1. What specific goals or questions are you trying to answer through these interviews?
  2. Have you determined what type of users (new users, experienced users, potential users, etc.) you want to interview?
  3. How will the findings from the interviews be used in the design or decision-making process?
  4. Are the interviews intended to uncover attitudes, behaviors, needs, pain points, or something else?
  5. Does the scope of your interview align with timelines and other research methods being used?

Planning and Logistics

  1. Have you established the number of participants you need for statistically significant findings?
  2. What recruitment methods will you use to find interviewees, and do they align with your target audience?
  3. Have you considered the logistics, such as the mode of interview (in-person, video call, phone), duration, and location?
  4. Do you have all the necessary resources, like interviewers, recording equipment, and software?
  5. Have you prepared consent forms or non-disclosure agreements if needed?

Question Design

  1. Are your questions open-ended to elicit rich, qualitative data?
  2. Have you avoided leading or biased questions that might influence the responses?
  3. Do your questions follow a logical flow, starting from general topics and moving towards more specific queries?
  4. Have you included a mix of behavioral and attitudinal questions?
  5. Are there contingency questions prepared for unexpected but insightful avenues of discussion?

Conducting the Interview

  1. Have you trained interviewers on how to handle various situations and adhere to the interview script?